Scanner Exchange Program: MC9090 series to MC9190 series

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Scanner Exchange Program: MC9090 series to MC9190 series

We have launched for you the opportunity to sell your used Motorola MC9090 scanners Motorola MC9090 for exchange to the newer MC9190 version. MC9190.

The new model, although in the same housing, offers significantly greater capabilities and also reduces the likelihood of service repairs. Below are the most important advantages of the MC9190.


The new model includes a faster processor, more RAM, FLASH, and the ability to support SD cards up to 32GB. This is particularly important when we work with a dedicated application. If working through a remote desktop, it won't have a big impact on our work.


Special attention should be paid to the WLAN module without which warehouse work is practically impossible. The module in the MC909X series tended to fluctuate in range, resulting in connection breaks. The malfunction appeared after years of use, depending on the device's exploitation. In the MC9190 version, a new type of network card was used, which is not susceptible to this type of malfunction.


The LCD screen installed in the MC9190 features a noticeably higher brightness level and also offers the option of higher resolution 480×640 while remaining compatible with 240×320 pixel applications. Warehouse workers operating devices in sunny areas will especially appreciate this.

Scanning Module

The scanning modules offered by this model are a newer generation of their predecessors. In the laser option, we have a module that will self-adjust to the scanning distance. The laser beam is also more distinct than in its predecessor. The successor also features a much lower damage rate, which significantly affects the costs of long-term exploitation.

Long-Range 2D Scanning Module

Another new solution is the use of a long-range 2D scanning module. Even if we haven't implemented 2D codes, it will be a great alternative to the Lorax 1D module due to better performance in higher sunlight.

In summary, we gain higher reliability, better scanning performance, and ease of work on the device. External elements such as the casing, touch screen, and keyboard remain the same, ensuring us a low cost of spare parts.

When to decide on an exchange?

In every company, this depends on many factors. However, we propose to seriously consider exchanging devices in case of:

  • too high service costs of current devices
  • very poor condition hindering use
  • cyclical replacement of devices with new ones

Configuration Assistance

Configuring the MC9190 software doesn't differ much from the MC9090, but we are happy to help configure devices for your work environment.

Support from MTJ Electronics

More on configuring MC9000 devices

Check out MC9190 in our store

Motorola MC9190 Leaflet [PL]


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